Hinamatsuri talk and cherry blossom Mochi making by Mizuho
Don't miss a great cultural event at Nana's!! Ticket **Early bird book by 28th February ** Adult £22 Student £19 Children £10 Normal admission Adult £25 Student £22 Children £10 (Free admission for Children under 3years old) Include: Light meal (Chirashi-sushi, pickles), Sakuramochi making and eating, and cherry blossom tea. Dolls Festival (or Hina-matsuri in Japanese) is a Japanese cultural event with a splash of colours and elegance. It is held on the third of March to wish children a healthy and happy life. Historically, it is developed from native animism (a belief that all things have a soul or a spirit) and then combined with lavish and flamboyant styles from Chinese dynasty. In this talk, the attendees will learn the origin and purpose of some of the customs practised on and around Dolls Festival, so that they can anticipate and appreciate the joyous day much more. Along with the talk, there will be a Japanese sweet making lesson to learn how to make sakura mochi, sweet rice balls with sweet bean paste in centre, using cherry blossom flower and leaf. The sweet is typically eaten on Dolls Festival. Cherry blossom tea will be also served. 桃の節供 三月三日の雛祭り。 この日はこどもの健やかな成長と幸せを祈る、華やかなお祭りです。 古代より続く日本のアニミズム(自然信仰)による風習が、雅な中国文化と交わって発展したものです。 ひとつひとつの由来や、 その本質を知ることが、 慶び祝うその時を待ちわびる思いにつながり、その祝い事が輝き始めます。 ワークショップでは、 桜の葉を使った桜餅を作り、 桜の花を浮かべたお茶を飲みましょう。